Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Cast My Vote

Today I voted.

First, I changed into my voting kicks.

I carefully made my choices in my uber long absentee ballot.

I got into it.
And spent two hours googling all the other candidates which nobody told me I also had to vote for. Like this lady:I didn't vote for her. She's way too old to be cool.

Oh and there were also amendments in there. I bought almost all of them.
I'm glad I got to do it with my computer in front of me.
Cause I was expecting something more like: Obama: Yes__ No__

*************************God Bless Burgerica*************************

Friday, October 17, 2008


Here are some of my favorite shots (in random order, thanks to blogspot) from my trip to nyc last weekend.
As clichéd as it is, I love it there.
It's guaranteed fun or your money back.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Check My Logo

I know you've been missing JF, so here you go.
The new logo he designed exclusively for me.
It would make a sweet bicep tat.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

In the spirit of the holidays...

you have to atone for not aotning now
that sucks

i know
its retarded
now i have to atone for saying retarded

it's like rollover minutes

ps- i adore jayne

Shana Tova!

Today is Yom Kippur for us Juicy Jews. It's the day of atonement so if you're down with it, you fast for a day to repent for your sins. I'm obviously fasting. But only because I'm 12 and I don't want my mom to yell at me. Just kidding, ma.
No, seriously it was a joke.
Anyway, I actually do enjoy this holiday. It makes sense.
I even wore a special sweatshirt to work today .And left my fellow Jew friedn Ellen a special note on her desk while she was in a meeting.Happy Fast.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Art Exhibit #1: A new tradition

title: Work Makes Me Sick, 2008
artist: Ghersdog and SlowYo

materials: marker, highlighter, paper, scanner
"this piece represents how we feel about working a 9-5 job..."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Doug in a Sweater

Seriously, this is my last Doug post.
What have I become?