Monday, May 5, 2008

JF and the Giant Apple

We went to play/watch the new Grand Theft Auto at Jeremy's apt. last Friday. It was especially nice cause Anne Marie was there and she's not really into video games. That's also why JF didn't tell her what we were doing until they got there.
Good thing we had food to entertain her. Bad thing we ate it. Everything except for the giant apple which we really only bought because it was giant.
Anne Marie got bored and sleepy. I think it was the McCroquettes (that's Quebecker for McNuggets).
Many hours and handjobs later she was sleeping on the couch. After she woke up she was ready to go. It was 11 now. JF was ready to compromise when Anne Marie spotted the giant apple. She's in advertising so she came up with a really cool idea (TM) to make JF eat it in exchange for an extra hour of playing. If you've read my blog before, you obviously know that he did. And you also know that I documented it. In video.


Eve Martel said...

That's what I call "taking a bite out of the Big Apple"

Unknown said...

what a great life.